Lalala.. I simply hearttts my current song, 'cry on my shoulder' thats playing right now because its oh-so-EMO! Now how long have i not been emo-ed (iwonder)..
Yes i know cobwebs and fungus gona grow and mould should i not be updating sooner or later. As usual i don't have the time, perhaps i should stop posting and i wonder should i? Anyway life isnt pretty much interesting for me. I've been doing lotsa thinking lately and i couldnt make do with a conclusion or decision to it yet; its just so complex and confusing which makes me even more frustrated. You know at times when you wish you'd be able to just stop and give up and let go of everything and just do whatever you wish to do yet its just so hard to do it. Saying it is easy but the action makes it tougher. Working life sucks and isnt fun at all *imissschoollifebadly* but the thought of having money rolling in makes you smile because you get to buy whatever you want in order to pamper yourself dearly! Life is all jumbled up but its okay because i'm working hard to get out of this place and to enjoy life in the later part of my life. And yea reality bites. Boo..
Oh yea.. I did said i'm gona go on a gettaway for 12days and if you'd want to know where i headed to.. Scroll down and read otherwise there's hoads of pics to tell you everything.
#o4o5o7`Friday - HAPPY 21st Abbie! Was working in the noon and ended work at 113o in the night was freaking tired by then because work was busy! Couldnt join the CKs for dinner to celebrate Abbie's 21st as i was working but at least i managed to meet up with them after work. Took a cab and headed down to Zouk and met up with the CKs as well as vivi and ying. Was a lovely night out with them because we don't get to meet up often and i met up with my other friends as well.
#o5o5o7`Saturday - Finally a breakaway from work for one week! Woke up late as i slept at 5am in the morning and yes i was practically going crazy because i've yet to pack my luggage. I didn't have enough time as when i woke up the whole family was waiting for me to have lunch and we headed to crystal jade together with Cheryl. I had like only 2hours to pack as i was still in a daze for i aint fully awake. And you know when one does not have enough time to pack, guess whats the outcome? I'd just throw in whatever that comes to my eyes first not bothering whether the clothing did help and do a final check. LOL! Anyway, I went on a gettaway trip to the south side of New Zealand with my family and silly me assumed that it would not be that freezing cold that i only brought 1 jacket with me and the rest of my clothes aint thick at all to protect me from the cold which is totally useless because i was freezing like crazy but thank god mummy kinda expected the outcome and she did help me bring along warmer clothes and jackets. Still it didnt really help because practically everyday i've been wearing 6tops together with the jacket; thats how cold i was feeling.
We took the evening flight and only reached NZ's Christchurch 1ohours later which is like 5am singapore time and 9am NZ time the next day. Daddy rented a car for the following 12days from hertz and yeah basically we took the car and drove and explored the whole of south new zealand. From Christchurch to Mount Cook to Geraldine to Twizel to Milford Sound to Dunedin to i cannot remember all the places name. Haha. Basically we went from one place to another and staying from one motel to another. Went on an overnight cruise at Milford Sound. I went kayaking with my brother and my hands were all frozed up cause i was freezing cold and i managed to see a seal while kayaking and cute lil dolphins while the cruise was heading out to the Tasmian sea. There's just plenty of things we did but i'm kinda lazy to explain every details. Basically my gettaway trip was a good one and i managed to get sufficient rest. Its like a last holiday trip together with my family cause my brother's getting married next year and so no more family holiday in the coming future. Anyway people you should really visit NZ if you've got the chance to do so cause its really a beautiful country with all the scenic views thou there aint much of a shopping to do and the sky turns dark when it reached 5pm.
New Zealand in random..
sorry peeps too many pics; will upload in my multiply gallery when i'm free!
*the cute lil sheep pillow she got from NZ..*
#2oo5o7`Sunday - You'd never know what i did.. I spent ages clearing my room cause i've been so caught up with work and busy that it occured to me that i havent been cleaning it since last year. LOL! And yeah plenty of junks has been cleared taking up 4 paper bags of rubbish. Aint no idea how much junks have i been storing in my room.. I'm so happy with myself because my room's finally clean like real clean =D

* bags of rubbish & the tiny corner in her room thats neat & tidy! *
#21o5o7`Monday - Its a boring shit to be off on a monday and tuesday yet no matter how i dislike it i still gotta accept the fact that its my off. Headed back to my office to settle some stuffs and i was kinda late cause i was suppose to meet my friend at town at 5pm. Had to hunt for a present as one of my friend's birthday's coming. I tell you i hate buying stuffs for guy(s); its hell torturous cause i've no idea what they like. In the end i bought a braun bruffle wallet with a damage of 9obucks. Didnt know what to do after dinner and so we decided to catch a movie at cine. Bumped into vivian and had a lil catching up. Anyway we caught this movie, "blades of glory" and i give it 3.5 outta 5 poppys. Go catch it people if you are into some lame shits; its hell hilarious.

#22o5o7`Tuesday - Its SHOPPING DAY for Jaclyn and its she herself and her alone. I used to think how strange and uncomfortable it would be to go out alone, with no friends of yours by your side and how i dread the fact and resist the thought of going out alone. However as time pass all these have changed and no longer become an issue. I'd prefer to be left alone at times, doing hoads of thinking and clearing my complex mind. Anyway, its been long since i last pamper myself and so i bought myself stuffs again. I earn to pamper myself to make myself happy and put aside whatever that makes me unhappy or when i'm stress. And yeah i went to have my hair cut at REDs (again) cause its getting longer and its making me irritated.
#25o5o7`Friday - Was working 5am ever since Wednesday and i met up with Shalini after work. Accompanied her to Raffles Medical as her leg got bitten by insects and headed over to Professional Nails to do our manicure(s) together. I did my acrylic french manicure cause i'm so sick of having my nails chipping like crazy whenever it grows longer. A damage of 7obucks and i love my nails right now cause they paint it really nice and most importantly it aint gona chip. Dinner at Pizza Hut and we had lagsania for the both of us were craving for it. Took a cab home as i was really tired by then..
*Sighs* I hate it whenever conflicts arises again. I don't know whats wrong, i tried hard not to let it happen but everything suddenly just go berserk. Maybe i've been tolerating and suppressing it too much so much so i can no longer take it further. I know whatever i said just now, the words and sentence i used bites and i've cause damaged but i really don't mean it cause once my tolerence reaches its limit my mouth will just say whatever it wants to say. I'm sorry and i'm regretting everything that just happened. I shouldnt even have opened my mouth cause i know each time a sentence is formed, nothing good will turn out of the conversation and yes i was right, an ugly outcome was what i just had. Perhaps i should just talk whenever necessary and not say a thing further like i always do. I don't want anything neither do i expect anything from the both of you i just seek for your understanding and respect my thoughts but why is it so hard for that simple thing to be done and why can't our minds think as one. Seriously i really hate working but even so i still continue to do so cause its a way for me to numb myself, get myself tired and sleep to forget whatever thats in my mind.
Pay day's finally here and of course every girl's favourite, the Great Singapore Sale. Its time for shopping again and there goes Jaclyn's little pocket..
THANKS MUMMY.. (for the beauty needs)
THANKS DADDY.. (for the miniature dior collection)
And she feels pampered..
at times when she don't feel like smiling and be friendly ;
her stuck up attitude starts to appear..
Good Night Readers..
at the end of the day, no matter what.. i do still love the both of you
will you catch her when she falls ;