Yea yea i know i'm days late but who cares..
HAPPY 2oo7 my dear readers;
with loadsa love from me (=
Now where shall i start off with. Perhaps a happy start because its the starting of a brand new year before ending my post with the past of 2oo6.
Guess what people; I'm feeling happy because i lost 3.5kg. I don't know how i manage to lose the weight but i shall continue to do so because I SO WANA LOSE 10KG and it shall be my no1 resolution of 2oo7. LOL! and yes my p-plate's gone for good since the start of 'o7 (=
Was suppose to head to sentosa with my parents today but i came home late in the wee morning and woke up in the noon therefore the entire trip was cancelled. Brother's friends came over to our place for MJ session which is why i'm able to post this entry. P.S -don't read if you don't like the things i post.
My off day was a fruitful one yesterday because i had uber fun (= Headed to town in the noon meeting the 2 CK ladies during their lunch break and i did threading. My brows are like so untidy and its time to neaten it. Later on met up with the guys in the evening; an outing with 2 guys and me being the only girl. Headed to Carls Junior and had 2 pieces of wedges because i had not much of an appetite. Caught 'Confessions of Pain' at GV VivioCity and it was a dumb show; almost fell asleep and sorrryy for choosing such a dull movie. Overall a rating of 2.6/5. I know this sounds stupid but the reason i caught that movie was because Takeshi Kaneshiro was acting in it; my favourite actor. LOL! Thanks mister wong for lending me your jacket; it kept me warm and cozy throughout (= Headed home after the movie to find my ic because its horrible to be like an immigrant with no ID on me as i lost my driving licence. Took the car and drove to glenda's place before picking shiying up at suntec and headed to zouk in the night meeting up with 2 of ying's gf. Only had a baileys and one stupid fruit punch as i was driving. R&B rocks later part of the night. The funny thing was this guy approached me asking if he could dance with me and before he knew it the music stopped and lights on which means party's over and his face was filled with embarrassment! LOL! OPPS! Phheeww thanks to the dj who totally saved me. Saw Mr Toa Payoh and we went to river valley for supper. And you know what people after 2.5 freaking long years i finally ate one piece of ROTI PRATA. Felt like puking after that as my body aint used to eating flour with LOADS of OIL. Uber fattening and disgusting! Gotta go on ultra dieting. Sent Glenda, Mr TPY and 1 of his friend back and reached home at 615am. Was freaking tired and finally knocked out at 73o.
You know what i simply love working during Public Holiday(s) especially Christmas and New Year's Eve because everyone's in a oh-so-happy-mood (= I got to see the new year's eve countdown fireworks before meeting up with glenda, shiying and vivien at MOS after my work to celebrate the starting of 2oo7. Seriously i cannot stand that place as its filled with all the milo or charcoal coloured people and everyone's just pushing and being so aggressive. And yeah thanks to vivi i got an MOS ice cube with the red light blinking =D Thanks glenda sweets for the ride home and i was super tired by then and to think that i gotta wake up early and head to work at 12.
Yup so this is it, the beginning of a start of 2oo7. Whatever lies ahead nobody knows and i must say it'd gona be another different and interesting journey to begin with for 2oo7.
I must say 2oo6 was a year filled with loads of memories, be it with smiles, tears, frowns or anger and it was definately a journey that had made me learnt and grow. I gained the knowledge and meaning of life and on the other hand lost precious ones in my life. 2oo6 was a year whereby i turned 21 which is the start of adulthood, lost a friend as well as my precious grandmother in my heart, completed my studies, started working and earning my own hard earned money, and last but not least lost a friendship that caught me by surprised. And of course i've changed, physically and mentally.
As you know people i've got STM therefore i'm just gona blurt whatever i remembered of what occurred the last year of the month.
I don't know when it was but we headed to phuture. It wasnt a pleasant clubbing night because my toes got stepped many times by different clumsy people and the worst and sad thing was...
Now how great is that? And i had to lie to my parents on how i lose it and where it went missing =(
My christmas wasnt a good one because i fell really sick. Had a horrible throbbing migrane that i had to take mc and be away from work. While everyone's celebrating the joy of the season i spent my time sleeping and recuperating because the stupid doctor was so stingy with mc that he only gave me one day away from work. Blahhh! Anyway, thanks brother and cheryl for the hp chain with my initial on it; simply love it to the max, thanks sweets for the shirt and of course thanks mummy for the last minute surprised thailand trip for my christmas present (= Mummy had to go thailand for 2 days for her work and she bought me a SQ ticket to bring me along as accommodation has been paid by her office. Didn't get to do much as it was way too short; did some quick shopping and i went inside of the Embassy of Singapore in Thailand and explored the whole place.
Last but not least..
This is for someone whom was once close to me but not anymore because she proved to me that the friendship we used to have does not mean anything to her.
I never knew friendship can be so breakable and and that my friendship to people doesnt even mean anything but a piece of shit that can be broken anytime they wish too silently and you being in the dark not knowing anything but having to find out yourself. It'll be a reminder for me to judge every single person whom i encounter from now onwards. You chose that path therefore its between you and glenda not me. So what if i am close to glenda but that doesnt mean i just break and let go of a friendship that was formed. FYI i'm not one who doesnt cherish my friendship because i do treasure them. Thanks for letting me know and showing me how important one friendship values because it shows to me that it means so little to you. Since you chose to break it i'll let it be and not be bothered about it. You decided to be this way so don't go around telling people another different thing.
[ 2511o5 ]Thanks for the memories and all these has become a past and no longer shall it be a present.
will you catch her when she falls ;