I HATE THE HAZE! Its killing me sooner or later and i'm sensing that i'm falling sick anytime from now which i cant afford to get the bug. Been feeling cold recently at work and my throat is really dry. Thank god i'm having my weekend off and i'm gona have plenty of rest. No offense to indonesians but really whats in their brains. Don't they know the consequences and how selfish can they get not sparing a thought for anyone. Urgh. Thanks to them we get the misty effect of the terrible haze. Please rainy rain pour your droplets and shoo the evil haze away. You know what, i just shitted blood out and its L.S. instead of P.S. i wonder if people ever L.S. out blood and thats sick. Mind you, the blood isnt my grannies cause it had bid farewell. Don't know where it came from, maybe my organs having fever thus the blood - _ -"
Mummy got freaked out today by my eyebrows and i seriously think she hasnt been looking at me properly since i've been knocking off in the night and you know, people's eyesight couldnt be better than in the day. My eyebrows been trimmed for like weeks already and its still the same just that its neater; she's always freaking out because she doesnt like me to do anything to my eyebrow.
Oh yes, if you think girls cant cook you are so wrong because i'm a girl and I DO KNOW HOW TO COOK plus its edible. Its just that i cook whenever my mood feels like cooking. And nope i don't cook maggi mee. Family love my prawns =D
Caught Rob-B-Hood and the baby is soooo adorablely cuttteeee i tell you. I love babies. They are one cute little thing that will brighten your day. Seriously if i could i would love to pinch that baby's cheek! Overall a nice movie and worth catching it as its really funny cum lame.
Havent been heading the clubs for months and finally it was a girls night out at phuture with the 2 CK Ladies together with shiying, mao member and 2 of her friends. Was a great night out and it made me realised one thing, heading to the club isnt a thing anymore and the craziness we once had kinda died down; its so unlike the past. Met stewart, a colleague from other department and it wasnt till i met him that we actually chatted for the first time. It was indeed a small world and his face was kinda shock when he saw me outside zouk. *will upload the pics we took soon*
4 more days and its 1 month of working in the company and 7 more days before my pay day. I cannot wait for my pay to arrive because i'm really BROKE! Havent been taking money from parents thou mummy wanted to give me 1oo bucks to last me this month but i rejected as i'm already working. Anyway, its my last week of department training and i'm going on-job-training soon. I hope things will turn out smoothly and i'm gona miss my training days. Seriously, training is the best time ever so people if you are sent for training do treasure the days. Undergone training at the concierge, guest recognition, loss prevention, communications, reservations, lounge, fnb restaurants, housekeeping, guest relations, restaurant reservations, bell desk, opera training and i cannot recall already. A pity i've forgotten to take a pic of myself wearing the obasang uniform for i was way too tired for that 2 days. What can you expect from someone who seldom do the housework. I almost died during the 2 days of being obasang but still i did not gave up. You wouldnt imagine the amount of king sized beds i did and i tell you its heavy. Its fun and you get to see things that you don't get to see but i wouldnt want to be an obasang, its not my kind of thing. So please people, next time when you check into a hotel room please do not mess up the rooms because its not easy for the aunties; spare a thought for them okay (= *took some pictures with my colleagues, will upload them when i get it*
tears . worries . fear . clueless . crisis .
who says life is always smooth sailing ;
it isnt always whereby you get to enjoy the beauty of life..
you get hit by the unexpected when life gets better
life has always been blessed and i've never expected much
what would happen if what we fear occur, what would be in become of us ?
my pillar of everything that has a great importance in my heart
all i can do now is to pray and hope for the best that everything goes smoothly
i may always be smiling but nobody knows what laid beneath that smile.
not everything seems picture perfect; the deception of one can be misleading..
life isnt always the way we want it to be.. it isnt always perfect *sighs*
I've been busy with work; no time to update. Didnt want to update but i just feel like blurting out the feelings in me that isnt feeling good hence an entry. I teared because my heart aches so badly; its really painful. A crisis that nobody expects; everything in the mind thinks about 'what if' and 'what will happen'. The worries nobody would understand. And yeah, i aint being emo but something happened and it isnt something to talk about.
I will be back for a full entry when things get better / when i'm free.